Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fun pregnant Photos

So, eons ago ;)  my friend Linda was kind enough to have me take some pictures of her in her current pregnant state!  It was so fun and I was lucky enough to have another photographer, my sister in law Ciera there to help with hair and clothes and all of the other things that go in to a great shoot!   It was a lot of fun and I did a little playing around with the sun in quite a few of the shots which is always a blast!  Here are a few of my favorites!


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Linda is a dancer and we were so impressed that she could still get up on those toes!  You can’t see it in this photo – sorry…just thought the tummy was too cute!


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And the above is proof that it was still possible!  Impressive!

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Linda, you look gorgeous and I cannot wait to meet this sweet baby girl!


KellyAnne said...

Oh wow! Not that anyone asked for my opinion, but I love the first 2 and the last one! She's so cute!

Linda said...

Thanks Sarah! I know you can't see my face, but I love the last one! Thanks for talking me into it, it was really fun!

d.c.r.k.soptich said...

I love pregnant Linda...she has to be one of my most favorite people!
I want to see more of the ballet-ish ones with her feetsies in them!!

d.c.r.k.soptich said...

ps-Linda is gorgeous prego! I am glad you got something accomplished today while you were doing nothing ;)

Anonymous said...

Fun pics. Linda looks like a model!

Place Family said...

Great pictures. Linda looks great prego. Nice job as always Sarah!

Jenna Marin said...

Holy cow! This lady is gorgeous! My faves: first, third, and fourth to last... oh, and the toe-touching one!!

Nerell said...

What a great collection. Fantastic Job Sarah , and Linda for being cute as ever

Anonymous said...

ohhhh it has been a while since I have seen Miss Linda! I am thrilled she is getting a girl to balance out all the boys in her house!!! The pictures are sooooo pretty!

Big Momma said...

um miss Anonymous was me Heather hahaha beats me how I do it.. I just do!